Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Dinner Time a Family Time

I super duper like the commercial of lucky mee about the importance of dinner with the whole family.

I grew up with the family that always eat dinner together especially on weekends and holidays we eat together from breakfast to dinner may midnight snacks pa yan. Dinner is our kuwentuhan time, kaya we become close. I want my little kulit to grow up like us, to know the importance of having a family. 

After the long hours in school and office, we have to see to it that we have time for a family dinner. Family dinner hour is an important part of our life. 

Here are some reason why FAMILY DINNER IS IMPORTANT

1.Bonding Time- This is the time that family can hang out together and communicate. Families who eat dinner regularly are more likely to have stronger and happier family relationships.

2. Time for Updates- it is time to update on what is happening to everybody,each member of the family can update what is happening on there work, school, friends and more.

3. Keep Kids Out of Trouble- kids who lives in families that eat together are less likely to be involved in a risk behaviors.

4. No conflicts at home- A regular family dinner time, can help the families to talk and to resolve any family issues. There will be a less stress and tension at home

5. Educate Your Kids- kids who are exposed to regular family discussion times learn a broader vocabulary.

6. Healthy for the whole family- when kids eat with their families they can eat better

7. Everyone eats healthier meals