My mom used to asked me when I'm still a kid why I love bags so much, I simply answered I love them, it makes me a beautiful. I never imagine that my collection would reach to a 100 from branded bags and to "no brand" bags as long I like the color and style. Whenever people ask me what gift i want to receive, only one answer and it's a BAG.
It was year 2002 when I decided to sell some bags, I started selling in 3-5 pieces since I don't have enough capital, then mytita helped me she is based in US and she send me boxes of diffrent stuffs from thereon I started selling branded bags, clothes, shoes etc.
It was year 2010, I'm pregnant to my first baby boy, I really like to have my first own designer bag, of course every girl dream wants to have her own LV bag, since I cannot afford one even a pre loved that time, I decided to look for another brabd would fit my budget. Then I came accross with the GUCCI bags, I really like the GUCCI ABBEY WHITE but I have a guilt feeling to buy one for myself since we are saving for my maternity,my friends suggested to post the other GUCCI bags in fb and tag, and that is the start in split seconds I have buyers and I was able to buy my first GUCCI bag.
I had a good relationship with the supplier, and I was even to get the items for consignment. From selling GUCCI bags I was able to survive in my 3months maternity leave without my monthly salary and expenses are still growing, take note it's also Holiday by that time, I even bought my laptop, my new cellphone, we afford to have a vacation and of course I was able to afford an LV bag (pre loved ) etc. and of course in seling I gained so many FRIENDS.
Now the next stage for my online shop is to sell more pre loved designer and branded bags :-)
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